Fashion for Social Change.

December 5, 2007

I love fashion. Love it. Especially street fashion. I have spent entire days combing the archives of wardrobe_remix, not to mention Hel Looks, Face Hunter, etc. And one thing that has always stuck in my craw is the lack of variety in bodies in street fashion – it’s not quite as extreme as in the glossies, that’s for sure. Instead of waif-thin models, they’re traded in for girls between sizes 4 and 10. It’s especially obvious on Face Hunter, the archives of which will lead you to believe that everyone in Europe is both thin and fashionable. While the tendencies are towards being thiner and more fashionable than Americans, the photographer definitely has a bias towards the skinny.

Vasiliisa, of The Suburban Queen, has a good essay on the lack of disabled bodies in fashion. Fashion should be about the clothes and the personal style of the individual wearing them, not the size or shape of the body they’re on!